Sogno Scaligero

Chiaro di Luna
Why did I choose this name? Sogno Scaligero (Dream Scaligero)
I’ve thought over the name of my webiste a lot, I wanted a name who could portray a bit what I am, I must thank Genni for the suggestion.
Dreams are an important part of me, both nocturnal ones and daydreams.
Since I were a child I had the gift of dreaming by episodes and when my mom tried to wake me up, in the morning, before school, I always answeared “just another minute, I have to finish a dream”, I used to hear her voice far away and I managed not to leave my dream and to talk to her at the same time!
I’ve always told my sister first and then my husband about my dreams, sometimes waking them up at night, they always listened to me carefully because my dreams are fantastic stories that can tell a lot about things you can then discover with the passing of time.
Who’s got daydreams? People who makes plans, and those people have purposes in life. My father always said to me “having daydreams it’s free but gives you hope that one day you’ll get what you want, committing yourself completely” .
And lastly “Scaligero” because the Scaligeri were theLords of my city, Verona , city of art that I deeply love and I invite you all to come and visit.
Thank you dad for visiting me in my nighty world.
“It may not come today or it may not come tomorrow, but it is well that it is within thine heart. (Yes) It’s well that you are trying.” (Yes it is) You may not see it. The dream may not be fulfilled, but it’s just good that you have a desire to bring it into reality. (Yes) It’s well that it’s in thine heart.”
words from the last speech of Martin Luther King;
words who incite us to commit ourselves to achieve what we believe on.
Paintings by Enio Lonardoni